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​About the Celebrant - Tury

A fun, passionate and caring story-teller

Your ceremonies are about your personal stories.  If you are looking for a good teller of your stories in the presence of your beloved family and friends, Tury will suit this role perfectly.
Tury has been working in social work and community services for a long time.  Her qualifications include a Bachelor's of Social Work, training in Prepare-Enrich - pre-marital education program, sex therapy and relationship counselling techniques.  Previously working at Hong Kong Government, she also provided counselling to enhance couple's relationship and intimacy.  As a result, she is a seasoned professional working with couples.  In addition, Tury speaks fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin.  She has also had extensive experiences in working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.  So, conducting a ceremony which involves people from diverse cultural backgrounds is Tury's strength.
This celebrancy service does not only ensure that your marriage is solemnised according to the Australian law, it is hoped to be a service for you to reflect your relationship and commitment for each other.  Through supporting you in the journey of preparation, Tury aspires to choose personal wordings to reveal your thoughts, your sincerity and your pledge of love.

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關於禮儀司 - Tury

有趣, 充滿熱誠, 關懷, 擅於說故事

你的儀式應代表你的故事; 若你想在儀式中, 讓摰愛親友聽聽一個屬於你倆的感動故事, Tury 會是一個很恰當的說故事者。

她從事社會工作與社區服務已多年, 學歷包括社會工作學士, 婚前輔導 Prepare-Enrich 的訓練, 性治療與關係輔導等。 她早年在香港提供輔導, 促進兩性關係與親密。因此, Tury 是一位極富專業經驗, 從事關係工作的專業人士。

此外, Tury 精通英語, 廣東話及普通話, 亦有豐富經驗與來自不同文化與言語背景的人士工作, 因此, 設計與進行一個多元文化的儀式, 絕對是 Tury 的強項。

為你提供的禮儀服務不僅能符合澳洲的婚姻法例, 同時希望能反映你們的關係與對彼此的承諾。

透過支援你們準備的旅程, Tury 寄望與你們挑選個性化的措辭, 表達你們的意願, 真誠與愛的承諾。

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