My Services 服務
I am a Commonwealth Authorised Marriage Celebrant who conducts various ceremonies to celebrate couple relationships. Contact me to schedule a free consultation and learn what I can do for you.
本人為澳洲聯邦政府註冊的認可婚姻禮儀司, 為顧客設計不同型式的禮儀, 請聯絡我作一個免費諮詢, 容我協助你設計一個你夢寐以求的禮儀吧!

Unique 獨特
From small family gatherings to pomp and grandeur, rest assured that you will be supported in the planning process. Tury is a Marriage Celebrant authorised by the Commonwealth to solemnise marriages according to the Australian law. She will help you go through the process in legitimising your committed relationship and facilitate you to apply for the Certificate of Marriage.
Tury also speaks English, Cantonese and Mandarin. She is able to personalise your wedding mixing Cantonese and/or Mandarin with English or even conduct the whole ceremony in Cantonese and/or Mandarin as you like.
無論是親切小型的家庭氛圍, 還是莊嚴隆重的禮儀, 都不須擔心, 因為在禮儀籌備過程中, 你會得到支援。
Tury 是澳洲聯邦政府認可的婚姻禮儀司, 會根據澳洲法例為你主持婚禮,包括申請具法律效力的結婚證書。
Tury 說英語, 廣東話及普通話, 她能隨你的喜好, 以英語及廣東話及/或普通話, 甚至是全廣東話及/或普通話, 進行禮儀。

Commitment Ceremonies
Memorable 具紀念性
Showered by warmest blessings of your family and friends, the ceremony signifies a couple’s commitment towards each other as a union. The ceremony’s style can range from solemnity to a greater blend of humour to suit your style. Tury is happy to discuss any innovative ideas with you.
在你摯愛的親友見證下, 許諾你們的關係; 儀式的風格, 由莊嚴至輕鬆, 任君選擇。Tury 很樂意跟你討論任何創新的意念。

Vow Renewals and Anniversaries
Meaningful 深刻具意義的
Having an endured and thrived relationship, why not expressing your continuous commitment to your beloved one? Ceremonies for expressing your pledge of love are not only a privilege for young couples, they give particular beauty and significance to marriages of long years.
若你們擁有一段持久而茁壯的關係, 何不再次宣示你們彼此的許諾… 許諾的儀式不只是年輕人的尊利, 對於受時間歷鍊的關係, 更顯美麗與意義。